Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Cara Menghilangkan Mata Ikan (pengalaman sendiri niii)

Ni abang2,agan2,dan eneng2 yang lagi kena penyakit kulit mata ikan ane punya cara jitu dan ampuh buangets..biasanya pake operasi kecil kalo mau ngilangin mata ikan,tapi ini ane share pengalaman ajaaa..

Pertama : Liat tu mata ikan agan dan perhatikan,

Kedua : Kopek2 mata ikan agan sampe udah kawahnya / bolongnya keliatan jelas..

Ketiga : Ntar aga bakal nemuin ada satu kulit menyerupai benang tipis,kecil, yang ada ditengah2 bolongan mata ikan, jadi kayak benang nancep gitu gan di kulit, lalu puter2 tarik2 terus gan, ini bakal kerasa sakit sedikit gan, tapi setelah 2-3 hari kemudian mungkin udah engga

Keempat : Kalo udah agak ga kerasa sakit dan bisa nahan sakitnya, agan tarik aja tu benang sekenceng2nya,tapi pake perasaan ya hehe

Kelima : Mata ikan agan bakal ngeluarin darah banyak banget, tapi engga sakit gan beneran deh ga bohong,langsung sembuh

Keenam : Setelah itu agan yg biasanya jalannya sakit karena mata ikan udah bisa lompat2 lari2 dan ga terasa sakit gan,ini terjadi saat benang itu udh ditarik dan kaki agan berdarah, tanpa rasa sakit

Ketujuh : Bekas mata ikan agan akan tertutup dengan sendirinya dalam jangka waktu 1-3 minggu, kalo ane waktu itu 2 minggu udah ilang gan.. TERTUTUP,HILANG, TANPA BEKAS gan..kaki ane buktinyaaa..

Sekian cara dari ane gan,kalo ada yang tidak berkenan ane minta maaf, ane ga maksa pake cara ini kok ,cuma sekedar share aja hehe

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

My first posting, my love story

     Hello, this is my first posting. Maybe its broken, but i have tried to do the best hehehe.

     So what i Want To talking about? Until i write this, I still dont know what to be writen (shit!)

     Hm okay lets getting serious (yey!) 

     I want to tell about a happy ending story (I hope) hehehe.
     At that time I had just come home from school, I just got in front of the door and say "assalammualaikum" I've faced with my sister ran away and shout "abaaang!". Apparently he was so excited because he managed to get rank 2 and at the same time he was elected to represent my city, Semarang, on the national student league bridge. At that time he was up to grade 5 but was get a great achievement, in contrast with me during elementary school, I'm just ordinary boy who never get ranked top 5 in my class, a maximum just getting rank 7.
And never got any achievements. But not unexpectedly, I managed to enter the most favorite school in my town. Beat my friends in elementary school who always get the big 5. From 9 of my friends who follow the test, only 4 people received. One of them is me. I never thought I managed to beat them. Yes, this is His will.  
     Here begins, in the first year, I was interested in the activities my class brothers in the OSIS. So I followed the OSIS LDK (Basic Leadership Training) , yes, I've managed to reach the stage 3, but at this stage I failed. I'm disappointed.
     Several days passed, I could eliminate my disappointment. Then announced that there will be Dewan Galang's LDK, a scouting organization in junior high. I joined this LDK, and I succeeded. I joined this organization. Apparently, I more enjoy here. I managed to get a champion in every scouting championship. Second year, class 8. Turn of the year passed and my organization generation change. I'm still happy in this organization, I followed the LDK again. This year, LDK is more difficult.
     Yeah, finally finished LDK, for 8th grade students can get a position in this organization. Of course I hope to get one there (come on, think who you are, they are better than you).
     This year's selection is implemented in a campsite. My eyes were covered by a black slayer. And when opened, I was in position at the front. Yes, I was elected as Chairman (thankyou God).
     As chairman, I want to be nice and do not disappoint this organization. In my year, the more champions we got. Up at the provincial level we managed to achieve the first champion. It is a pride, until now. 

     In high school, I no longer participate scouting organization, I want to try something else. Being a committee at school events, try new things, and find many friends is my goal. And 3 years went by, yes indeed there is no achievement that I got, but I managed to get a lot of life lessons. Thank you SMAN 1 Semarang. you are my best lessons.